Despite the rapid growth of the e-commerce segment and the intensive development of technology, not all entrepreneurs understand the advantage of an online store for business, especially if there is already an offline outlet. But, in this case, the advantages of online stores are manifested best.
So why do you need an online store for selling Murad products? Depending on whether you already have an existing offline business, it can be both an addition to it and the main source of income.
The online store is not just a business card created for the show, and this is a complete and very effective sales tool. The advantages of an online store compared to an offline outlet are many.
Rent price
Renting even a small retail outlet located in some shopping center will cost you several hundred or even thousands of dollars a month, then, in the case of an online store, all your expenses come down to a monthly hosting fee.
Launch speed
A team of good performers can launch a working turnkey online store in just 2-3 weeks. Moreover, the very next day after the launch, its owner will be able to receive income to sale your Philip Kingsley products.

In the case of an offline outlet, you can spend more time just looking for a room, not to mention paperwork and all the charms of communicating with representatives of the local bureaucracy.
Audience reach
The advantage of an online store is that there are no restrictions in the form of a street, district, city. If you deliver goods all over the country, then you can trade all over the country.
The owner of the online store gets access to a huge market of selling Nuxe products, the audience of which is comparable to the total number of Internet users in the country. The main thing, in this case, is to highlight the target segment of potential customers and find ways to communicate effectively with them.
Continuous availability
Twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week - your store is always available to sell Xiaomi mobile phones. Everyone has their habits, and there are many people who, in the afternoon, simply do not have free time.
Cost of maintenance
Of all the necessary costs to maintain the work of an online store, its owner will need only hosting payment and a salary fund to pay for the work of a sales consultant.
Compare this with the costs that are waiting for the owner of an online store offline, starting from the cost of rent and utilities, and to the salary fund, which is needed to maintain an army of sales consultants, and you will understand what is more profitable.
Promotion cost
The effectiveness of offline advertising and online advertising of Revlon products, in many cases, is seriously different. Think for yourself what is more effective: a banner somewhere on the street, that your potential customers may see, or may not even see or even notice, or the same money spent on contextual advertising.
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